do u believe in god ? write here why? English

by the way i mean "Zeitgeist- the movie" not "Zeitgeist-Addendum" 😉
i think the film is the most impressive film i have ever seen!

I think there is some power behind all the creations which is above from our imaginations.

See, There are 206 bones in our body which are perfectly placed according to our needs. Is it possible by a human to create such structure. If we are just studying about our body and its working, we will find it amazing. How greatly a womb is created inside a woman! Is it possible for us to create such a thing.

Just think how we are getting rain (climates changed because of our attack over the nature). Each and everything on the nature is linked with all the creatures on the earth. We human beings are trying to destroy such links and that's why more and more diseases and natural calamities arises presently.

Anyway I believe something powerful which is beyond our imagination exists and I believe it is a God without religion.


Well, I guess that yes, I do.
why??? You got to believe in something 🙂
I believe that miracles can happen 🙂
But I don't like going to church. I believe that God is everywhere.
Mostly I believe in God when I have a hard time, when I really need a miracle and nobody else can't help me at that moment...

I have come to that decision that I believe there's a god. I am born as a christian (lutheric), but I'm about leave the chuch behind me. My personal belief is not about chistian god, who (I think) is just cruel (by reading the Bible) and I really think that persons like the pope missuse their might by telling people not to use condoms etc.
It's sad to me that so many people announce themselves as atheists, 'cause they are dissapointed at the chistian god and haven't even think about any other possibilities (yes, yes, some have, but I know many who aren't).
I myself have not found anything perfectly fitting in other religions, so I started to make my very own vision of god. Firts this started, when me and my friend were annoyed that (chistian for example) god is always described as male. Stupid, I thought, so my god-vision have no-sex, god is neuter (if I'm using the right word?).
Later I have connected different features and philosofical aspects in my religion-thinking.

Hi Rateli,

As you have mentioned God is cruel according to old testament, but He is merciful God in the New Testament, right? I did not agree with most of the happenings that mentioned in the Old testament Bible, i.e from the begining there are some contradictions. According to my opinion its our choice to accept the good things and not to worry about the evil things in Bible, Quran or whatever the religious books in our world. Well, about the gender of God, I am not sure about it, but I believe God as a creator who is just beyond of all our imaginations.

Am I too late? I know it may not be fashionable, but I still believe in God. I believe I have access to Him through Christ.
Why I believe: as a child I was aware of the evils of this world. I saw direct correlation between the evil in media and in man. Children observe both the words and the actions of the adults surrounding them. One side of my family were Christian, the other side had no god. On the Christian side, I witnessed good, careful living--people who loved just to love. On the side with no god, I witnessed depravity, sexual looseness, greed, constant turmoil, reckless, even criminal behavior. For example, on the Christian side, there is 1 divorce, no one has ever been arrested, when one of us is in trouble, not only do we pray for each other, but we try to help. On the godless side, there are many infidelities, fatherless children, heavy drinking and drug use, gambling, sexual perversion, and of all the cousins, only 2 have not been in jail. When someone is in trouble, the godless side turns their back on them and gossips about them.
Even as a child I could see this difference in people who believed and did not believe. Though I was not introduced to a church until I was in school, I already knew the evidence of a life dedicated to God. I chose to follow Christ 3 years later, and despite difficulties, have kept that faith.
My faith in Christ was further reinforced by a healing in my physical body. Twelve years ago I began having numbness in half my body. After brain scans, I found out I had an inoperable tumor. They watched it for some years, and I was always sick with nervousness about when I would die and leave my children without a mother. On my daughter's fifth birthday, she asked Jesus to heal me so I wouldn't have to keep going to the doctor. I hoped, but when I went for my next brain scan, they pulled me out of the MRI and asked which side it was on. They shot contrast into my veins and scanned again. Not only was the tumor gone, but there was no lesion, or scar where it had been, and there was no dent, or empty spot where it had been. A follow up scan a few years ago showed the same thing. No evidence a tumor had ever been there. I have several scans with it, and now three without it. Praise God, I have had twelve more years with my children, and am hoping for many more, and to someday be a grandmother!
I'm not trying to convince anyone, I am merely answering the question as asked: Do I believe, and why.
On a side note, I do believe man too complex to have just happened. Our best scientists cannot recreate the big bang or even make a being without borrowing parts from something that already exists (or has been created).
Something in my heart tells compells me to believe in Christ. Maybe it's something about His sacrifice. There is always the intellect telling me to doubt, but my spirit knows what is true. I am not a perfect person, for even I ignore what I know is true sometimes. It is those times when my mood turns dark, and I feel a great loneliness. I believe, I believe, I believe!

Отредактировано пользователем GeorgeSand .

Hi George!
I just went through your thoughts and I appreciate your thoughts. I read some where about the abilities of human being and I am not sure who said it but I think it was some famous figure in Science like Stephen Hawking. What he told was we human beings are able to take out the organs of a tiny creature like mosquito and define the functions of each organs, but it is not possible for us to join all those parted organs together and give back the life to it. I agree with your point about creating of big bang and creation. Certainly there is one power behind all the creations and if we are calling that power as God, then that God is definitely a great scientist.

Upon the creation of the world, God created a world that was eco friendly earth and a wise human being to protect all those "treasures' on earth. However we human beings feel shame to agree those things and still killing our blue planet and some of the great treasures like air and water are polluted severly. So we already has losed our earth and its beauty which God gave us to protect for our next generations and its already late, nothing can bring it back.

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack 😆

GeorgeSand => "On the side with no god, I witnessed depravity, sexual looseness, greed, constant turmoil, reckless, even criminal behavior" "On the godless side, there are many infidelities, fatherless children, heavy drinking and drug use, gambling, sexual perversion, and of all the cousins, only 2 have not been in jail."
There are no links between that and their atheism. I'm a strong atheist, i've never been in jail, never had any criminal behavior, never gambled (I can't say anything about sexual perversion xD (that's a joke )) They're just fool , and you can be sure that there are as many dumb asses in Christian community as in atheist community.

"she asked Jesus to heal me "
Let me explain you what payer is : You usually think that God knows what's the best thing to do.
First case : God do not answer you. He said NO, and you think that's the best thing to do cause God knows what he does.
Second case : You wait for monthes and you finally obtain what you wanted. God just answered your prayer, you just had to wait patiently
Third case: what you wanted arrives immediatly, God answered your prayer.
So God has 3 ways to answer you : NO, WAIT, and YES.
By this way, God answers all the prayers. But you could actually do exactly the same thing with a toilet. Ask your toilet something, it will have exactly the same effects because with those three answers, you can say that the toilets answered you in the three cases, it's to say whatever happens (your toilets know the best thing to do, man).
I don't know if I made myself clear, but what i wanted to say is just that answers to prayers are nothing more that coincidences.

"Our best scientists cannot recreate the big bang"
Our best scientists cannot recreate the big bang YET.

"There is always the intellect telling me to doubt"
You should listen to your brain more often...

Listen, I just wanna ask you a simple question, and I WANT YOU to answer, or at least to think about it.
Your point is that everything has to be created by something, or someone. Even more because things are kinda perfect and complex.
So who, according to you, created God? If i follow what you say He has obligatory been created, even more because He's the most perfect and complex thing in the universe.... =)

Отредактировано пользователем Vandien .

Vandien, thank you for your consideration. I have a young man in France arguing agains MY beliefs. To me, that is amazing 🙂 I was answering the questions originally asked. I was not looking for an argument. God does need me to argue for Him. He is and always was, and if you will not open your mind to Him, nothing anyone says will make you, for God has given you free will to believe, or not to believe. You choose not to, I choose to. We are different people. Shall we leave it at that?
Re: the big bang recreation. I have one question: to what end? I wonder if these scientists have thought about just what would happen if they were able to create something resembling a big bang. Even deep beneath the crust of the planet, how will they contain such a force?
I hope you have a happy life, Vandien.

Cuckoo: I agree that we were put in charge of this beautiful planet. It is unfortunate that greed has blinded man. Focusing on "progress" has degraded the earth and her bounty. Very sad, to be sure! I think that it is for the educated individual to do his or her own part. I recycle, grow my own produce, and do not buy hybrid or genetically modified seeds. I gave up my sports car for a car that gets excellent mileage and is well below emissions limits. Don't give up on us yet!

yeah,i believe in god,because she is always live in our hearts,it`s ourselves,isn`t it?

i believe that everyone thinks their god is THE god. i believe that everyone in actuality believes in (roughly) the same god and that he is everywhere and you do not need to go to a person or specific place just to worship him. i also believe everyone makes their own choices.


*Ppl, chill down*

The expression "man of science/man of faith" applies very well here for me...

I must say I'm a girl of science... I don't deny the possibility of God's existence, but I can't pray and do stuff like that if I can't have a proof he's real..
Plus, I was born in a culture where there's no religion at all, and I really think religion are kind of bad things because it's a human creation and men on top of it take advantage of weak people, most of the time, taking their money and lying to them. However, the existence of God is different. It has nothing to do with the human's invention or creation. People can have no religion, but believe that there's something stronger above them, like some members of my family.
Well, I guess I'll have to wait to see if I was wrong my whole life haha Wrong, or right, either way I don't really care, because it won't change anything in my life right now, and when I'll discover it, I'll be dead, so...!

I'm budhist but i believe in god (:

God is awesome 😁

My view on this is described by theologists as "agnostic theist".

I am somewhat agnostic. I don't THINK that God's existence or nonexistence can be proved.

But, I believe in Him. It's my free, conscious decision, and I know many people may consider it lame. Yet, I am Christian, I believe in Bible and in everything, that's inside (remembering, that some things are metaphors - I won't argue that world has 6000something years)...

I believe in God, its as simpleas that. And while I think its ok that people are having a discussion about the topic, I don't think its ok te way some of you are going about it.
Some of you are demoralizing the fact that some of us do in fact believe in God. Just saying...

Hey. I believe in God. you know in the past replies... they've been saying God is real because he made this, or he made that. there's way more to that that just making stuff ya know? He's a real "person"! You can say God made all these things, but really if you dont know and experience him, then whats the point of it right?? God is always here! and all we are technically doing is ignoring him and not experiencing him the way we should. its like if your best friend just stops talking to you. so yeah... thats what i gotta say angel shuriken

Very difficult to say... Maybe God is real, but I will ask you after my death! XD

Отредактировано пользователем Cosaque .